
Veyong news

Mobilization of 1000-ton Glufosinate-ammonium project

Posted: Sep 07,2015

On 1st September, Hebei Veyong Bio-Chemical Co.,Ltd. held a launched mobilization meeting of 1000-ton Glufosinate project, following the announcement on 20th August of its1000-ton Glufosinate-ammonium project approved by ENN Ecology Holding Ltd,. There are more than 40 people attended this meeting, which means the project construction of Glufosinate-ammonium has been started officially.

The General manager of Veyong Mr.Fan Zhaohui and the vice-president of ENN Group Mr.Zhang Qing delivered important speeches at the meeting, they put forward the specific requirements for each process. 1000-ton Glufosinate-ammonium project is not only the key action for Hebei Veyong’s medium and long-term development strategy, but also the core project for transformation and upgrading of product structure in Veyong, it will promote the future development strategy of Veyong.

Hebei Veyong is one of the earliest Chinese manufacturer of Glufosinate-ammonium, they moved to a new plant in 2012, and set up a new facility of 300-ton based on its existing plant facilities which is 150-ton, and the currently capacity is 450- ton per year. There will be a greater breakthrough on technology promotion and environmental upgrades for this 1000-ton Glufosinate-ammonium project. At the mean time, it was mentioned that another 3000-ton Glufosinate-ammonium capacity project is on the way already.

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