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Brazil Anvisa opens public consultation to ban paraquat.

Posted: Mar 22,2016
Brazil Anvisa opens public consultation to ban paraquat
The Board of Brazil's National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) decided to seek public consultation to prohibit the paraquat active ingredient in the country. The proposal was published at the Official Union Gazette last Friday (10.09) and the deadline to send " com-mentaries and suggestions from the general public" ends in 30 days starting October 16, 2015.
Anvisa guarantees that "in case of limitation of access to computer resources, the submission in written format should be posted to the following address before the deadline of the consultation: Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria/Gerencia-Geral de Toxicologia, SIA trecho 5, Area Especial 57, Brasilia-DF, CEP 71.205-050" .

The agency affirms that after the deadline it will promote the analysis of the contributions and, at the end, will publish the final results of the public consultation.The first article of this resolution decrees "to cancel the reports of toxicological evaluation of all technical products and formulated products based on paraquat and its respective salts, since the publication date of this resolution due to the framework of the active ingredient from the articles of the registration prohibitions. 3, § 6, "b" , "c" and "e" of Law 7,802 of 11 July 1989. "

The third article ordains "to reject the claims of toxicological evaluation in progress at this agency with technical and formulated products based on paraquat in order to obtain the registration of products" .

The fourth article requests to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply that "suspends the imports of technical and formulated products based on paraquat and its respective salts since the publication of this resolution" .

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